Google Search Console Will Stop Collecting Data After Inactivity

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We know that Google will stop collecting data within Google Search Console when a site is not verified or removes its verification. But did you know if you do not use Search Console, you verify it but never go in to look at the reports, Google may stop collecting data for that Search Console profile?

John Mueller of Google said this on Twitter, he said “when Google sees that the data’s not being useful (nobody using it), then we do stop collecting after a while. I don’t think there’s any specific time on that though.” He said “nobody using it.” Later he explained “If it is verified and not used at all for a really long time, to me, that seems safe to pause too.” He said in his opinion, “it’s better to put the processing “budget” into things that are known to be useful.”

So Google will allocate its Search Console processing resources for those who actually use Google Search Console and not for those who do not. So make sure to login and click on some reports every month or so to be safe?

Here are those tweets:

Forum discussion at Twitter.


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