Category Archives: SEO

Čo je SEO ?

Optimalizácia webových stránok pre vyhľadávače a tým zlepšenie postavenia vášho webu proti priamej konkurencii začína uvedomením si, kto je váš cieľový klient (návštevník…
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Analýza kľúčových slov

Rastlina Analýza kľúčových slov znamená určenie najziskovejších slov a fráz, na ktoré sa bude web optimalizovať. Je dôležité určiť správne frázy hneď na…
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Microsoft Bing Testing From This Page Featured Snippet

[ad_1] Microsoft Bing is testing what might be a featured snippet on steroids with a section named "from this page" in the search…
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Microsoft Bing Search Results Tests “Click To See Full Answer”

[ad_1] Here is a weird one from Microsoft Bing, it seems to be tested "click to see full answer" in its search results…
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The Google Supplemental Index Has Not Existed In A Dozen Years

[ad_1] Over the past several days I have noticed a bunch of SEOs sharing information about the Google supplemental index and talking SEO…
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Google Updates Crawl Stats Report Help Documentation

[ad_1] Google has also updated the crawl stats report help documentation last week. Google made a lot of support documentation changes in the…
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Vlog Episode #179: Jaimie Clark vs Jon Clark

[ad_1] Jaimie and Jon Clark came for a visit and we all spoke SEO and a lot more. Jaimie Clark is the VP…
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Google To Pay Wikipedia For Content Displayed In Knowledge Panel & Search Results

[ad_1] A week or so ago, Wikipedia announced Wikimedia Enterprise, a paid service for large organizations who want to repurpose Wikimedia content, to…
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Aurora Morales Recording Again in A Real Google Studio

[ad_1] Aurora Morales of Google has done a nice number of videos for Google, specifically on the publisher monetization front. She did a…
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Google Said Linking To WhatsApp Phone Numbers Is Not A Bad SEO Practice

[ad_1] Google's John Mueller said on Twitter that it is not a bad SEO practice to link to your WhatsApp number on your…
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