Google Says Expanding Your Navigation Menu Does Not Impact Google Discover Traffic

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Google’s John Mueller was asked if going from 5 to 10 links in your site’s main navigation menu to about 150 links in that navigation menu would result or possibly impact your Google Discover traffic. John unequivocally said no, any Google Discover traffic drop would be unrelated to your site navigation change there.

In general, John explained again that you should not depend on Google Discover traffic and that Discover traffic can come and go without warning. Heck, most SEOs are not confident with SEO advice for Discover specifically.

John said on Twitter the navigation menu changes are “unrelated” to the Google Discover traffic changes. He then referenced the Google Discover help document that says “Given the serendipitous nature of Discover, traffic from Discover is less predictable or dependable when compared to Search, and is considered supplemental to your Search traffic.” Note, Google updated that document with that phrase in June 2020.

Here is the full thread, so you can read the full context:

Forum discussion at Twitter.


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