Google Site Kit Now With Question Hub Data For Ideas To Write About

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It looks like Google Site Kit, the Google plugin for WordPress, has bridged in another Google data platform named Google Question Hub. This is in addition to Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google AdSense and PageSpeed Insights.

Google Site Kit calls this section “Ideas to write about, from actual questions people asked on Search.”

I spotted this in recent video from Google’s Mariya Moeva at the 8:56 mark (hat tip to Darcy Burk on Twitter). Mariya Moeva said “And, if you run out of ideas what to write about, Site Kit has a really neat feature which will show you unanswered questions directly from search that are related to your site’s content. So you can use these topics suggestions as inspiration to create new posts for your site, and give even more useful information, potentially get some new visitors.”

Here is a screenshot:

So yea, this looks almost exactly like the Google Question Hub. And Mariya Moeva confirmed this when I asked her:

Forum discussion at Twitter.


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