Google Search Testing Double Site Name & URL In Snippets

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Google is testing showing the site name and URL twice in the search result snippets in Google mobile search. So not only do you see the name of the site or the URL with the favcion from the site, but you are also seeing it doubled up with the site name on top of it, with the URL and the favicon.

Darcy Burk shared a screenshot of this on on Twitter with me, so I took his screenshot and put it on the left and I took a screenshot of how this looks to me and put it on the right. You can click on the screenshot to see it enlarged:

click for full size

Darcy said on Twitter “I kind of like the look of it but it seems redundant.” I do agree, and I am never for repetitiveness when it comes to this type of stuff, so I am not a huge fan of this.

Forum discussion at Twitter.


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