Najnovšie články z oblasti PC a programovania

Google Says Don’t Publish Empty Or Blank Pages

[ad_1] An SEO asked Google's John Mueller if it is okay or even a good idea to publish blank or empty pages so…
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Google SEO Meetup In New York City On June 27th

[ad_1] Google is holding an SEO meetup, a NYC Search Central meetup, on June 27th at 4:30pm, at the Google New York office.…
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Would Google Use Bing’s Index When It Has No Results? No Way.

[ad_1] I found a super interesting question on Twitter. the other day where someone asked, would it be possible for Google Search to…
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Google Testing Advertisement Label In Local Pack & Promoted Ad Label

[ad_1] We have seen Google tests various labels for its Google Ads in search, including "Ads," "Sponsored," and of course "Advertisement." But now…
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Google Core Update Tremors, Product Reviews English, Search Console Updates, Twitter Do-Follows, UI Changes & More

[ad_1] Just when you thought the Google core update was done, we have been seeing big tremors this week that make us question…
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Microsoft Advertising Adds Advertiser Identity Verification

[ad_1] Microsoft Advertising now requires advertiser identity verification to ensure that customers see ads from trusted sources, which improves customer experiences, the company…
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Women at Google Event Balloon Art

[ad_1] Google had a Women at Google event at the Google Dublin office and the company or individual who did the balloon art…
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Microsoft Bing Testing Coupons In Search Results

[ad_1] If you search for some brands like Nike, Adidas, etc, you may see Microsoft Bing show a coupon element in the search…
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